int rows = new QContact()
.name.equalTo("[email protected]")
delete from contact where email = ?
示例 2
int rows = new QContact()
delete from contact where email like ? escape'|' and first_name = ?
示例 3
当 where 表达式位于关联 Bean 路径(如 OneToMany)上时,SQL 删除将使用子查询。
int rows = new QCustomer()
delete from customer where id in (
select distinct t0.id
from customer t0
join contact u1 on u1.customer_id = t0.id
where u1.email like ? escape'|'
如果我们正在删除的 Bean 类型已通过例如 @ManyToOne(cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
在以下示例中,Customer 将保存和删除级联到 billingAddress。
// setup - a customer with a billing address
Customer customer = new Customer("Bad Example");
customer.setBillingAddress(new Address("My Street", "Hopeful City"));
// deleting customer needs to cascade delete the billingAddress
int rows = new QCustomer()
上述操作最终将在事务中执行 4 条语句。
-- first select the ids of customers that will be deleted
select t0.id from customer t0 where t0.name like ? escape'' ; --bind(Bad%)
-- select the foreign keys that will be cascade deleted
select t0.id, t0.billing_address_id, t0.shipping_address_id from customer t0 where t0.id in (? )
-- delete the customers
delete from customer where id=?;
-- [cascade] delete the related billing addresses
delete from address where id=?;
persistCascade false
当事务已关闭 persist 级联时,查询将改为仅执行单条删除语句。
try (Transaction transaction = DB.beginTransaction()) {
// turn off persist cascade
int deletedRows =
new QCustomer()
delete from customer where name like ? escape'' ; --bind(Bad%)
比较 SqlUpdate
如果我们想要直接使用 SQL,我们可以改为使用 SqlUpdate 来执行 sql delete 语句。